T-Mobile chief marketing officer Cole Brodman said on Thursday that the long delayed Android 2.2 upgrade for the Samsung Vibrant would arrive tomorrow, January 21. He denied accusations that the update was being purposefully held back and said it was strictly practical. It was only "quality control and timing" that mattered, he told PCMag.
The carrier was using the Vibrant's delay as an incentive to speed up its Android upgrade patterns. It would now upgrade phones to a new version of Android within three to five months of Google itself making the release public. Not having had the iPhone, the experience of users wanting multiple timely upgrades was "new."
While a 2.2 release on Friday would help settle anger among Vibrant owners and could mitigate a class action lawsuit, it wouldn't address issues with Samsung being one of the slowest to upgrade its phones. Some Galaxy S phone owners have received upgrades earlier outside of the US, but no American models have moved past 2.1 in the roughly half year since they've been available.
Other carriers either haven't given clues as to the release date or won't have the upgrade for even longer. US Cellular's Mesmerize variant won't have it until March, or roughly nine months after the Galaxy S first reached Americans.
Without the upgrade, the phones haven't had access to Google Voice Actions or many of the official apps Google has released since the spring.
via electronista
The carrier was using the Vibrant's delay as an incentive to speed up its Android upgrade patterns. It would now upgrade phones to a new version of Android within three to five months of Google itself making the release public. Not having had the iPhone, the experience of users wanting multiple timely upgrades was "new."
While a 2.2 release on Friday would help settle anger among Vibrant owners and could mitigate a class action lawsuit, it wouldn't address issues with Samsung being one of the slowest to upgrade its phones. Some Galaxy S phone owners have received upgrades earlier outside of the US, but no American models have moved past 2.1 in the roughly half year since they've been available.
Other carriers either haven't given clues as to the release date or won't have the upgrade for even longer. US Cellular's Mesmerize variant won't have it until March, or roughly nine months after the Galaxy S first reached Americans.
Without the upgrade, the phones haven't had access to Google Voice Actions or many of the official apps Google has released since the spring.
via electronista
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