Handset-maker Motorola Mobility India on Monday launched the country's first Android-powered dual SIM touch screen smartphone, priced at Rs. 31,999.
The Android-powered Milestone XT800 is a dual SIM (CDMA-GSM) smartphone equipped with 3.7-inch touch display, 5-megapixel camera and expandable memory up to 32GB, Motorola said in a statement.
Android is a mobile operating system, initially developed by Google and later by the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 47 hardware, software and telecom companies.
Being an open-source operating system, Android allows developers to design applications like games, music players and location-based services, independent of the handset type.
"We have specially designed the Milestone XT800 to provide infotainment-on-the-go for consumers who want a device that matches the demands of a hectic lifestyle like that of a senior professional," Motorola Mobility India Country Head Faisal Siddiqui said.
The handset has built-in GPS satellite navigation using Google Maps, which helps the owner find their current location and chart routes to various destinations quickly and accurately. It also enables users to view and edit documents in popular formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and Zip.
via ndtv
The Android-powered Milestone XT800 is a dual SIM (CDMA-GSM) smartphone equipped with 3.7-inch touch display, 5-megapixel camera and expandable memory up to 32GB, Motorola said in a statement.
Android is a mobile operating system, initially developed by Google and later by the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 47 hardware, software and telecom companies.
Being an open-source operating system, Android allows developers to design applications like games, music players and location-based services, independent of the handset type.
"We have specially designed the Milestone XT800 to provide infotainment-on-the-go for consumers who want a device that matches the demands of a hectic lifestyle like that of a senior professional," Motorola Mobility India Country Head Faisal Siddiqui said.
The handset has built-in GPS satellite navigation using Google Maps, which helps the owner find their current location and chart routes to various destinations quickly and accurately. It also enables users to view and edit documents in popular formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and Zip.
via ndtv
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