Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sony Ericsson Steps up Camera Game with new Xperia Arc

If you tuned into last night's episode of the Monday Night podcast, you'd know that one of the topics we touched on was digital cameras in smart phones. While the average consumer thinks that more megapixels means better pictures,this couldn't be more wrong. In fact, all it essentially means is a larger final image.

 There are other features that factor into how nice those pictures from your birthday party end up looking. Factors that include speed, sensors, and light sensitivity among others. Sony Ericsson understands this and has taken dramatic steps in improving the camera in their upcoming Xperia Arc.

Read Also | Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc unveiled with Android 2.3

Sony Ericsson has added a number of enhancements to the camera's functionality and including better light sensitivity, quicker response time between shots, and a new sensor called Exmore R . Generally speaking these will allow for better, brighter pictures with less blur.

 There are a host of options available to users when using the camera including a new feature called "Fill Flash" which still flashes to allow for a more even lighting. This is perfect for conditions such as the sun rising or setting in the picture. Check the video below to see a quick walkthrough from Sony Ericsson.

via androidguys

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